Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Under the Lights" with Team Menapode: Part 1

Kes, Aeri, and I helped at the Carolina DockDogs dock diving demos at the Lee County Fair tonight. I figured that 1. it would be a great way to get both dogs familiar with the dock they'll be jumping off on Sat/Sun and 2. it gives us a chance to give back to our club and share the joy of dock diving with more people.

The biggest news? AERI JUMPED!!!!!!

At the last minute I threw Aeri's life vest in the car just in case. The vest has given her more confidence in the past and has handles that would allow me to lower her into the water if needed, so I figured it might be helpful.

As at the Cherokee event, Aeri didn't want to jump all on her own, but I held the handles and started to lower her into the water and she finished getting in on her own. The next round, I held the straps but she jumped on her own, and then after that I just threw the toy and she did the rest.

After a few nice vested jumps, I went ahead and took the vest off and that's where the video picks up. :)

Kes did nicely as well, especially given that the pool was set up at a *fair*, only about 100 feet from the food vendors, and after dark!

We had a ton of fun and can't wait until this weekend!

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